Breakfast Club started meeting in the Vanada home. Twelve students showed up for that first meeting in September of 2014. As the group continued to grow, we continued to make more space for more high school students. After outgrowing our home and the neighbor's home, we decided to build a space for Breakfast Club. Currently there are 635 students on the list of attendees.
The barn is directly across the street from the high school. Would you consider donating to help us continue to fund what God is doing here. We purchase a Bible for every student to use at Breakfast Club. We purchase folding chairs as needed to create more space for students. It costs $1500 per Breakfast Club for our full table breakfast (hashbrowns, sausage, monkey bread, fruit and muffins and beverages). We provide a free breakfast for high school students, put a Bible in everyone's lap and create space for students to hear about Jesus.